Friday, 11 February 2011

Louisa's phone script

Hey It’s Kara, Louisa, remember we’re coming out tonight!
I’m getting the Chinese now, what do you want? Can’t wait!
I couldn’t wait, I just chose sweet and sour for you
Louisa, the Chinese is getting cold, hurry up!
It’s me again, hurry up, you’re late
Hey, gimme a call when you get this, you’re almost an hour late
Louisa, please ring me, I’m getting worried
Louisa, has Kane done something again? Please ring me
Louisa, answer your phone, this is getting ridiculous.
Louisa, I’m really worried… I’m coming over.

Friday, 4 February 2011

Sound effects

Police car passing
Water running
Door closing
Foot steps
Tap of knocking over photo

Thursday, 3 February 2011

Example of Main Title

This was made using Picnik

Camera shots

Close ups of his hands, feet and props to create mystery.
Panning shots for movement.
Point of view shot for when he is washing his hands.
Reaction shot after seeing blood on his hands.

Example of title

This originally had a transparent background, but when it was exported to jpeg the background turned white.

Order of titles

  1. New Line Cinema Presents
  2. An Arnold Kopelson Production
  3. A Film By David Fincher
  4. Brad Pitt
  5. Morgan Freeman
  6. SE7EN
  7. Gwyneth Paltrow 
  8. (More actors)
  9. Casting By
  10. Music By
  11. Costumes Designed by
  12. Edited by
  13. Production designed
  14. Director of photography
  15. Co-producers
  16. Co executive producers
  17. Executive producers
  18. Written by
  19. Produced by
  20. Directed by

Tuesday, 1 February 2011


INT. Evening

Man walks into his house, takes shoes off after coming in from back garden, places a bloody and dirty spanner on the dining room table. Walks up stairs to the bathroom. You can hear in the background messages that were left on his wife's phone, asking why she isn't picking up. Looks at picture on window sill, of him and his wife, strokes her face and leaves a strip of blood and dirt from his hands. He then goes into the bathroom and washes his hands. He walks downstairs and picks her phone up from the downstairs window sill, and turns it off. Messages stop, everything goes silent.


  • Spanner
  • Fake blood
  • Phone 
  • Photograph
  • Overals
  • Shoes trainers/boots