Tuesday 25 January 2011

Fonts + colour schemes for titles

I think as the main theme in this plot is a murder i think the possible colours could be:

The font needs to be quite sharp and bold but at the same time quite creepy.
Ones we are considering are
-Apple casual -  It's quite bold but childish
-Bell Gothic std - Quite bold and formal
- Big Caslon - Fitted the theme but quite plain
-Blackoak std - good (:

-Britanic Bold - Also good (:

-Chalkduster - really good, looks scruffy, fits theme

-Cracked - Fits theme :D

-Handwriting Dakota - Looked like hand writing, creepy!!!

-Marker felt - Bold, doesn't fit theme as much
-Tekton pro bold - Stands out, fits theme

Big caslon - It's formal bold and modern

We decided to use Big Caslon as it is the most appropriate. 

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